Saturday, September 20, 2014

about jobboy

US Won’t Help Taiwan Build Subs, But Will Japan?

With the intent to deter Chinese aggression, Taiwan is in the market for submarines. The island republic has some allies in Washington, but not nearly enough.

Belarusian Opposition Eyes Poland, Putin, Itself

For exiled opponents of Belarusian strongman Aleksandr Lukashenko, Warsaw has become a redoubt from which to criticize the regime—and warily follow the Ukraine crisis.

American Conservatives Find Common Cause with Israel

American conservatives are more pro-Israel than ever, but not for religious reasons: They see Western civilization under assault from radical Islam, just as they once saw it threatened by Communism.

Cameron and Disunion

If the yeas have it on September 18th, David Cameron will be remembered as the prime minister who lost Scotland. He also faces the prospect of being the man who led Britain out of the EU.

for more information visit this

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